Saturday, March 21, 2009

9th Post

Hello 1-6,
How's your holiday?
Mine is just like the same thing hapening everyday...
Er, have you all done your homework yet?
Cos even if you haven, you have to.
These are the homework given:
:English Book Review (1-6)
:Learn 'ting xie' (my com cannot type in chinese)
:Geography reflection on Academic Portal which is at the school's website
:Revise History
:Literature- Read story 4&5 and complete the 2 worksheets given related to the story

Refer to the time-table on Monday: Mathematics
It's just like we have to hand in everything on 1st day of school
And lastly, a reminder for all.
Pls bring $3-class fund for our class outing and give it to Kamini
And Well Done ppl, we've got into the finals for classrace. Keep up the good work!
And i'm falling sick already... ...zzz; I hope not.
Take care okay.
Celeste Was Here! :D

Friday, March 20, 2009

8th Post

Elaine here!
Hahas, Celeste
ask me to post 1(:
Holidays are gonna be over!
Finish your hw already?
Actually i got nth to write
anyway, hees:D
So, shall end here!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

7th Post

Hey ya, who is that idiot?!?
Kidding lahh. Er.. the group photo thing everyone is doing it but if you really want it then we must find time to do it.
How is your homework, dun really like Ms Marrianne right-
Would you prefer Ms Wong or Ms Marianne; haha.
Feeling disappointed?
Many of you were not satisfied with your results huh, including me.

I have already noted that quite a number of you are not happy with this blogskin.
Crystal and i have discussed about it.
The picture on top will remain but with a different blogskin.
Crytal is working on it already; just wait/.
Lastly, a reminder for all trackers: There will be trainings on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday next week.
That should be it, sayonara!

6th Post

Hey everyone! I a have an idea, why dont we take a group photo and put up in our blog? It is just an idea. bye, guess who im!

5th Post

Hi everyone,
joveen was here~ :D
i link u guys alr~
So Celeste, i help u save ur trouble arhs~
Woah, I did flung almost my paper & of course, all targets did nt achieve la. :'(
Sad larhs.
Gotta work harder like hell!
Yesterday was Fri, NPCC day larhs~
The drills, even though was 1hr, it ache like MAD!
but then dk wat i do at th other 2hr,
i juz rmb there's lecture abt Total Defence,
but dun tel mi it is th whole 2hr on tt?!?
hahas. tt all.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

4th Post

Yoyo! Will link Joveen, Geena and Elaine soon. Erm... ... Elaine's blog is only opened to invited guest nia, so maybe link also no use okay. I think many ppl are falling sick as days goes by, so if you are not feeling well dun come to school kays. All must be healthy horhs. Celestial, Pamela, Valerie, Charlene, Gladys, Esheen and Me; did help to tidy the classroom today so Celestial, Charlene and I have already changed all your spoiled chairs and got a new whiteboard marker for the class-Pls stop losing the cover of the marker. How's todays heats, tiring right? You should not even complain cos the few of us still managed to tidy the classroom. You all notice where the dirt comes from everyday right? You didn't know- it all came from the grass patch outside classroom. Just try to avoid stepping on the grass. You can keep the classroom as clean as possible and like what Mrs Cumar said, you should not step on the grass or else there will be flood outside okay. And lastly, tomorrow will be the last submission for the Edusave of forms. Those who never bring will have to face the consequences... ... Must take care okay!
That's all, Bye!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3rd Post

Woots, hi hi 1-6........... DEAD DEAD DEAD Blog. Tag on the TagBoard and visit my blog woots and tag my blog just say hi and i will be very grateful to you! Visit Crystal's Blog and say BOO :D hehe jkjk.. Did everyone do well for the common test, results for our class isn't very good so we must work hard for Term 2 alright girls? Okay... JY JY
-Mrs박유쳔. GUESS WHO AM I!????

Monday, March 2, 2009

2nd Post

HEY 1-6s! :D
YEAHS! I'm the 2nd one to post!
And , Celeste , you should give our classmate the email & the password.
If not how they sign in you tell me?Hehs;
Celeste will tell you all! You all no need to go & ask for it(:
So , once Celeste gives all the information to this blog , you all MUST post! (:
And link & tag and so on....just contribute to this blog.
And if you can make a nicer skin , tagg as & tell us! Then em..change the skin lor.
And , it doesn't mean the first one is not nice(:
Its just that , maybe you can make a nicer one! em , hope everyone get good grades for your 1st common test in secondary school!
Well , if you didn't, like me , just work double triple hard for the next testsss!
I believe the 1-6s can do it!